12 Critical Warning Signs of Problems with Foundations That You Can’t Ignore

Are you living in a home with problems with foundations? Well, it’s time to invest in inspection for foundation to detect what issues are destabilizing it. Once you detect that your house has a weak foundation, it is wise to call professional foundation repair experts, such as foundation solutions, before the matter gets out of hand. Signs of crumbling foundation cannot always be detected as they are silent in nature and make a sound impact after some time. To cater to such cases, you need to be active and efficient when it comes to investigating foundation issues.

Be it a foundation movement that you have felt or seen a crack, this blog post is a must-read to identify and combat home foundation issues. So, let’s get right into what matters.

What Does Foundation Failure Look Like?

Just like no two foundation construction, repair, and leveling companies are the same, no two houses have the same foundation type, quality, and strength. In the United States, the common foundation types used include basement foundations, concrete slab foundations, crawlspace stem walls, pier and beam foundations, and wood foundations. While there are different types of foundations, they are all prone to different problems. Other factors also contribute to the weakening of the foundation of homes. For instance, if your house is located in an area where more precipitation is experienced throughout the year, your foundation is likely to be more prone to damage than houses in areas without precipitation.

Some common types of foundation failure are sinking and crumbling foundations, gaps in the foundation, floor cracking, sloppy floors, doors that stick, and leaning chimneys.

Symptoms of House With Foundation Problems

Are you wondering, “What does crumbling foundation look like?” Well, we have listed common signs below to help you identify them and call for professional assistance immediately.

1. Mildew Smell

The smell of mold and mildew. If you can smell it, the issue is not far away. This smell of mold and mildew does not always indicate a weak foundation but is surely an issue due to multiple factors. However, if you are only investigating issues in the foundation, check if the smell is coming from the basement or the crawl space. If this is the case, your foundation is at risk, and moisture seeps through the cracks. Take immediate action, as mildew can result in further rotting and may invite unwanted pests.

2. Exterior Wall Cracks

It is common to see cracks in exterior walls, especially if the house is several years old or has recently rained heavily. Moreover, these cracks don’t always indicate a serious problem. However, if these cracks appear in a zigzag pattern, are larger than the normal ones, or you see the foundation sticking outwards, it’s time to get attentive, as it indicates a great issue. Ask a foundation expert to inspect your exterior walls, as DIY remedies don’t often work in such cases.

3. Sinking Ground

In the USA, houses are built so that rain and snow melt away from the foundation. This strategic solution helps secure the foundation from moisture. Nonetheless, if you notice that water is pooling around your home’s foundation, you should immediately seek help, as it might be a bigger issue, like your foundation sinking.

4. Cracked & Uneven Floors

If your house’s floors are cracked or you can feel the uneven surface, it is a significant indicator of foundation issues. If your floor is sloping and sagging in certain areas or if you see cracks in certain areas, it means your foundation is settling and shifting unevenly. Call a professional if cracks are larger or unevenness is severe.

5. Cracked or Leaning Chimney

A leaning or cracked chimney is a serious problem when you are considering foundation problems. Chimneys are heavy in construction and depend on the foundation for support. Therefore, if your chimney is cracked or leaning away from home, it most likely means that your foundation has caught some problems. Once you come across this sign, take immediate action.

6. Cracked or Warped Siding

Foundation issues are not the only thing that affects the siding. Other factors like pests, weather conditions, and moisture can result in cracked sidings. However, if you are only investigating foundation issues, look for gaps between the planks, cracks alongside doors and windows, and cracks in the exterior walls. If this issue is not catered timely, it can invite more moisture and pests and can multiply your issues.

7. Bouncing Floors

Floorboards that squeak, bounce, or sag indicate serious foundation issues. If you are unsure whether it is a serious issue or not, ask a professional for help. If you have finished floors, it is most likely to mean that your structural beams are rotted or the foundation has settled. If you have concrete slab floors, the ones you have in the crawl space or basement, check for cracks to be sure about foundation issues.

8. Cabinets or Counters Separated From Walls

If you notice your cabinets or countertops separating from the walls, it could be a sign of foundation problems. This separation often indicates that your foundation may be shifting or settling, causing gaps and misalignment in your cabinetry. Addressing this issue promptly is crucial to prevent further damage and ensure the stability of your home’s structure.

9.  Sticking Doors

Sticking doors can be more than just a nuisance; they might indicate foundation issues. When the foundation shifts or settles, it can misalign door frames, causing doors to drag or become difficult to open and close. If you’re experiencing this problem, it’s worth investigating further to determine if foundation repair is needed to restore proper alignment and functionality.

10. Drainage Issues

Persistent drainage problems around your property, such as water pooling near the foundation, might signal underlying foundation issues. Poor drainage can lead to water damage and exacerbate foundation problems by causing soil erosion or increasing hydrostatic pressure. Ensuring proper drainage and addressing any issues promptly can help prevent further foundation damage and protect your home’s structural integrity.

11. Windows Sticking or Pulling Away

If your windows are sticking or pulling away from their frames, it could be a sign of foundation issues. Foundation movement can cause window openings to shift, resulting in gaps, difficulty opening or closing, and reduced energy efficiency. Observing these signs early can help you address potential foundation problems before they lead to more significant damage or costly repairs.

12. Interior Wall Cracks

Cracks in your interior walls, especially if they are wide or increasing, may signal foundation issues. As the foundation settles or shifts, it can create stress on the walls, leading to visible cracks. Monitoring and addressing these cracks promptly can help prevent further damage and ensure that foundation problems are managed effectively before they escalate.

Choose Foundation Solutions for All Foundation Issues

While these issues in the foundation require immediate care, who you hire for it is important. At Foundation Solutions, we have extensive experience in raising, leveling, and repairing foundations so that residents can live in peace. With years of experience and catering to various foundation issues, it is a moment of pride that we cater to issues that other construction companies can’t. If you notice any of the above-mentioned issues in your home’s foundation, call out an expert team available around the clock.


The soundness of the foundation is vital for your home’s safety. Thus, if you find any of the above-listed issues in your home, seek immediate support from foundation solution experts. With timely attention and expert help, you can live a safer and more secure life.

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